Price: $16950.00
Beautiful Nobility Sword from Central Europe. It is very difficult to determine exact origin since all Swords are called Polish-Hungarian being basically undistinguishable. Base on the flowery decorations I would place the Sword in eastern Hungarian Transylvania region, but it also could be Polish Ukrainian region. In Poland it was called "Karabella" in Hungary "Magyar Kard".
Sword is in fantastic untouched condition as you can see on the photos. Blade is made for fight. It has strange markings on it - I guess blacksmith who made it could not read and write so he imitated Latin writing. Scabbard was originally wood covered with damask. Wood is split in one place and damask is basically gone. Handle and all metal on the scabbard is covered with silver, it is uncleaned and it is black in color. The flowers are like ceramic material.
This is a Museum quality work which was never restored or should I say destroyed for better look and price.