The Ames Sword Company, 1829 -1935 by John D. Hamilton
Hardcover 8.5 x 11, 255 pages, published in 1994

An exhaustively researched and comprehensive history of America's foremost sword manufacturer and arms supplier during the Civil War. Many photos and drawings (color section).

French Language!!!
Les Armes Blanches, Sabres et Epees - Edged Weapons, Sabres and Rapiers by Dominique Venner
Hardcover  7 x 8.5, published in 1986, 320 pages

Interesting book presenting history of swords and rapiers from antiquities until XX century. Book mostly deals with French weapons and has extensive part dedicated to Napoleonic period. Annex I  deals with terminology of sword parts.
Annex II list European Manufacturers and marking they used.

A Collector's Guide to Swords, Daggers & Cutlasses by Gerald Weland
Hardcover 8.5 x 11, published in 1991, 128 pages

Basically title describes it all. Book gives basic information about different shapes and types of Edged Weapons used trough centuries of warfare. It explains the shapes and names used in different parts of the world. It has a nice chapter on German daggers.
Blankwaffen aus drei Jahrhunderten - Edged Weapon of Three hundred Years, by Klaus Hilbert.
Hardcover 9.5"x 7", 160 pages, Brandenburgisches Verlaghaus.

Great book on the subject of Edged Weapons used from XVII Century. Excellent illustrations, many in colors. Shows differences between Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry Swords. Special chapter on daggers.  One of the most thorough study of Edged Weapons I ever read.
German Language!
Kardok, Torok, Buzoganyok - Swords, Rapiers and Maces by Jan Sach.
Hardcover 9.5"x 7", 256 pages, Uj Ex Libris 1999.

This book is a Hungarian translation of Jan Sach (Czech expert on European Edged Weapons) published in 1999 in Praga. Book is full of color photos of different weapons from mid-ages till the dueling swords. Great collecting reference book.
Hungarian Language!
Swords of Germany 1900/1945 by John R. Angolia.
Hardcover 9.5" x 7", 496 pages, R. James Bender Publishing 1988.

This book is a must for German Sword collector. All it is to know about German Sword and attachments. Hundreds of photos of different Sword and users from Imperial era till end  of WWII.
With Drawn Sword, Austro-Hungarian edged Weapons 1848-1918 by M. Christian Ortner and Erich Artlieb. Hardcover, 11.5" x 10", 546 pages. Verlag Militaria, Vienna Austria 2003.

The text and illustrations offer a comprehensive overview of A-H Sword and their usage. Wonderful color and black and white photos, also lots of detailed drawings. This book is a must for A-H Sword collector.

Chechen Arms by Isa Askhabov.
Hardcover with dust jacket, 11.5" x 9", 246 pages, Klub "Kavkaz" Moscow 2001.

This is a very rarely encountered book on Caucasian Arms. Book deals with different types of daggers, swords, rifles and handguns. Contains a full list of manufacturers and the way they decorated the weapons. Each page has a text in Russian and English so there is no problem understanding. A must for a serious collector.
Both Eanglish and Russian Language!
Arms of Caucasus Nations by E. Astwacaturian.
Hardcover 11.5" x 9", 192 pages, Hobbykniga 1995.

Interesting book on Caucasus Arms with lots of super interesting drawings of decoration, manufacturers markings and regions. Unfortunately book is only in Russian, but photos and detailed drawings tell all.
Russian Language!
Hieb und Stichwaffen (Cutting and Stabbing Weapons) - by Eduard Wagner, Hardcover 13.5" x 10" x 2.5", 492 pages, Artia Praha, Czechoslovakia 1969

Wonderful reference book for an advanced sword collector. Book contains a detailed description and drawings of European swords,  has chapters about they use and Cavalry drill. Many color and black and white drawings. If you have an European Sword of unknown origin, you will find it in this book.
German Language!
1000 Marks of European Blademakers by Zygmunt S. Lenkiewicz, Hardcover 10.5" x 8.5", 140 pages, Caldra House Ltd. Sussex, England 1991

Excellent catalog of European Sword makers with detailed drawings of their marks, names places and periods of oferation - a must for identifying European blades.
Russian Sidearms, Polearms and Bayonets XVIII-XX Century by A.N. Kulinskij, Hardcover, 2 Volumes 8.5" x 6",660 pages total. Atlant St. Petersburg, Russia 2001

Great two volumes book with lots of drawings and photos of Russian weapons froo 18th to 20th Century.
Islamic Arms  Victoria & Albert Museum by Anthony North - Hardcover 10" x 7.5", 50 pages. Publishers Inc. Owing Mills, Maryland 1984

This book describes Islamic Weapons found in Victoria & Albert Museum. Written by A North who was a research assistant in Department of Metalwork - very deep and detailed information, lots of photos.
Price: $24.50
Russian Language!
Edged Weapons of Habsburg Monarchy by Jan Sach & Peter Moudry, Hardcover, 8.5" x 6", 448 pages, Ars-Arm Praha, Czechoslovakia 1980

Very detailed book of A-H edged weapons with good descriptions and very detailed drawing of weapons - a must for Austro-Hungarian Sword collector.
Price: $59.50
Price: $79.50
The Indian Sword by P.S. Rawson, 10" x 7", 184 pages. Published by the Danish Arms and Armour Society, Copenhagen 1967.

Wonderful book about Indian Sword, everything what it is to know about types, shapes and construction. Nicely illustrated with many detailed photos. If you collect Indian Swords you must have this book.
Islamic Swords and Swordsmiths by Unsal Yucel, hardcover luxury edition 9" x 11", 176 pages. Published by O.I.C. Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture Ircica, Istanbul 2001.

Beautiful highly illustrated book on Islamic weapons from Eastern point of view. Beautiful photography and lots of unknown facts., not published in western literature. A must for an advanced collector.
Price: $199.50
Price: $149.50
On Damascus Steel by Leo S. Figiel M.D. Hardcover  9" x 11.5", 148 pages. Published byAtlantis Arts Press 1991, First Edition.

The best book on the subject written by one of the best known researcher and collector. Everything what is to know about Damascus steel and weapons made from it.
Bayonets - Habsburg Monarchy 1683 -1918
By Jan Smid. 280 pages, hardcover
Published by: Ars-Arm 1994
Czech Language with German and English titles.

Excellent book for an advanced bayonet collector. Describes all  bayones of the period with detailed drawings and dimensions. Explains regimental markings and manufacturers.
Price: $39.50