Piec wiekow szabli polskiej - Five centuries of Polish Sabres by Wlodzimierz Kwasniewicz.
Hardcover 9.5" x 7",238 pages, Bellona 1993.

All types of sword used in Poland in the last five centuries. Book deals with a different type of blades, handles and markings. Very nicely illustrated with detailed drawings.
Lots of information for the advanced collector of Polish Swords.

Dzieje szabli w Polsce - History of Sword in Poland by Wlodzimierz Kwasniewicz.
Hardcover 9.5" x 7", 240 pages, Bellona 1999.

Swords design, markings and lots of information.
Historia Szabla Pisana, czyli Szable znanych Polakow I i II Rzeczpospolitej - History written by Sword, Sword of famous Polish of 1st and 2nd Republic by Wlodzimierz Kwasniewicz.
Hardcover 9.5" x 7", 156 pages, Verbum 1997.

This book is a collection of short biographies of the Famous Polish Patriots and Heroes with detailed description of swords they used. Many drawings and some photographs.
Bron Wschodnia - Arms of the East by Zdzislaw Zygulski Jr.
Hardcower, 9.5" x 6.5",176 pages, Krajowa Agencja Wdawnicza, Warszawa 1983.

Arms and Armor of the East - Turkey, Persia, India and Japan. Lots of photos, many in color and drawings. Shapes, styles and makers.
Ciecia Prawdziwa Szabla - Cuts with the Real sword by Wojciech Zablodzki.
Hardcover with dust jacket, 9.5" x 7",352 pages, Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka, Warszawa 1989.

First part of the book deals with basic blades and how to use them. Second part is a description of different Polish swords and how they were used. Wonderful book full of data on Polish blades.
Szabla Polska od XV do konca XVIII wieku -Polish Swords from XV till the end of XVII Century by Wlodzimierz Kwasniewski
Soft cover, 9.5" x 6.5", 250 pages, Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe 1988.

Another interesting book from W. Kwasniewski, different swords types, their markings and how to use them.
Polska Bron, Bron Biala - Polish Weapons, Edged Weapons by Andrzej Nadolski
Hardcover with dustjacket, 7.5" x 8.5", 280 pages, Ossolineum 1970.
Great book about Polish Edged Weapons from beginning of Piast dynasty till XX century. Great descriptions and drawings (photos) of many swords used in Poland's history.
Szabla Zolnierza polskiego XIX - XX wiek - Sabre of Polish Soldier XIX -XX century by Aleksander Czerwinski, Leslaw Dudek. Hardcover, 7.5" x 8.5", 426 pages, Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich 1988
This book covers Sabres used by Polish soldiers which are in collection of Polish Army Museum in Warsaw. Great photos, illustrations and descriptions. Last chapter on military regulations and sword knots, belts and leather atachements.
Czar Broni Bialej - Melee Weapon Spell by Juraj Hradsky, Pavel Haban. Hardcover, 12" x 9.5", 136 pages, Bellona - Warsaw 2001.

Beautifuly illustrated book, descrbes all types of swords sabres, rapiers and other hand held weapons. Lots of color drawings and descriptions.
"Polska biala bron i jej producenci - Polish white weapons and their manufacturers"  by Leszek Zachuta. Softcover, 8 "x 5.5", 214 pages, Towarzystwo Sympatykow Historii - Krakow 1998 Volume I

If you collect Polish Swords from interwar period this book is a must. Covers manufacturers with their addresses and photos. Describes their activities and type of work they did. Photos of swords and markings. Chapter on bayonets and weapons manufacturing during German ocupation.
"Orez Perski - Persian Arms and Armour", Hardcover, 12" x 8.5", 400 pages. Malborg 2000

Great book about Persian and Indo-Persian arms and Armour of 16th - 19th Century from Polish collections. Beautiful collor photographs and detailed description of each item.