Imperial Austria - Treasures of Art, Arms and Armor from the State of Styria by Peter Krenn and Walther J. Karcheski Jr. Hardcover 11.5" x 9", 144 pages, Prestel Munich, Germany 1993. Condition: like new.
The text and illustrations offer a comprehensive overview of arms and armor created in the Imperial Austria and their historic significance. 100 full color and 14 black and white illustrations.
Le Armi E Gli Equipaggiamenti del'Asercito Austro-Ungarico dal 1914 al 1918 - Equipment of the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces from 1914 till 1918 by Siro Offelli. Hardcover, 11.5" x 8.5", 232 pages vol. I, 248 pages vol. II. Gino Rossato Editore, Venezia, Italy 2001. Condition: like new.
Italian Language.
Incredible book. Voume I covers: uniforms, distinctions, rank markings and documentation. List of all A-H regiments with their headquarters and patronage names. Also holsters, bet buckles and rucksacks.
Volume II deals with regimental colors, banners and medals. Also rifles, handguns and bayonets.
Both volumes with Hundreds of photograph and color drawings.
Everything what is to know about Austro-Hungarian Army is in this book.
"Preussisch-Deutsche Uniformen von 1640 -1918" - "Prussian-German Uniforms from 1640 - 1918" by Von Georg Ortenburg and Ingo Promper. Hardcover, 8.5" x 11.5", 198 pages. Orbis Verlag1991. Condition: like new.
German Language.
All about uniforms, badges and distinctions. Regimental colors, swords and sabretasches. Lots of information beautifully illustrated with color drawings. Book also deals with differences between different types of troops.
Holsters and Shoulder-Stocks of the World by Anthony Vanderlinden. Hardcover, 11" x 8.5", 202 pages. Wet dog Publications Greensborough, NC - First Edition, signed by author. Condition: like new.
This book is a must for a holster collector. Great informations about shapes, sizes illustrated with photos.
Military Holsters of the World War II by Eugene Bender. Hardcover, 11" x 8.5",208 pages. Rowe Publications Rochester, NY. Reprint Edition 1998. Condition: like new.
Another must for holster collector. Listed by Countries, dimensions, photos and lots of useful information about manufacturing and codes.
Collecting Militaries by R.J. Wilkinson-Latham. Hardcover, 10" x 7.5", 192 pages. John Gifford Ltd. London 1975.
Condition: like new.
Interesting book about collecting militaries. Lots of good advice and suggesting about taking care and conservation of the collection. Covers: uniforms, headgear, sabretasches and other military items.
"Das K.u.k. Heer in Jahre 1895 - Austro-Hungarian Army in 1895" by Oskar Bruch. Hardcover, 7" x 9.5", 176 pages. Leopold Stocker Verlag Graz 1997. Condition: like new.
German language.
Everything about A-H Army. Types of troops, uniforms. 70 pages of color drawings with descriptions.
"Les Armes Orientales - Oriental Arms" by Jaroslav Lebedynsky. Hardcover, 12" x *.5", 192 pages, Portal Edition 1992. Condition: like new
French language.
Everything about Oriental Arms, types, markings and lots of other useful information.
"Les Armes Traditionnelles De L'Europe Centrale - Traditional Arms of Central Europe" by Jaroslav Lebedynsky. Hardcover, 12" x 8.5", 126 pages.
Portal Edition 1992.Condition: like new
French Language.
All about Central European Arms - Poland, Hungary, Czech Drawing , photographs and data.
"Les Armes Cosaques et Caucasiennes - The Arms of the Cathe Cossack fo Caucassus" by Jaroslav Lebedynsky. Hardcover, 12" x 8.5", 136 pages. Portal Edition 1993. Condition: like new.
French Language.
This book is everything about Caucassus. Arms , headgear and dresses. Lots of photos and drawing with nice explanations.
The Standard Directory of Proof Marks with WWII German Ordnance Codes by Gerhard Wirnsberger, translated by R.A.Steindler. Paperback, 8" x %.25", 192 pages. Jolex Publication.
From Austro-Hungary to Switzerland. Includes WWII GermanOrdnance letter Codes and number Codes.
The Imperial German Regimental Marking by Jeff Noll. Paperback, 8.5" x 5.5",, 78 pages. Published and distributed by Jeff Noll, 1991. Copy No. 744.
Excellent reference source for collector or researcher.
"Les Uniformes du Premier Empire: La Cavalerie Legere - Uniforms of the First Empire: Light Cavalry" by Cdt Bucquoy. Hardcover, 11.5" x 9", 190 pages. Javques Grancher, editeur - Paris 1980. French language
Nicely illustrated with color drawings, covers all regiments their colors and history.
"Cavalry- The History of a Fighting Elite 650 BC - AD 1914" by V. Vuksic & Z. Grbasic. Hardcover, 11" x 9", 240 pages. Cassel Villers House 1993.
Nice book covering history of the Cavalry from 650 BC till WWI. Each chapter with color full page illustration showing armor and weapons for the period.
L'Armee Francaise - An Illustrated History of the French Army, 1790 - 1885 by Edouard Detaille - translated by Maureen Carlson Reinertsen. Hardcover, 12.5" x 9", 356 pages.Waxtel & Hasenauer, New York 1992.
Super interesting book about French Army, full of beautiful illustration. Book covers organization, uniforms, equipment and major battles.
"The History of Cavalry" by Z.Grbasic & V. Vuksic. Hardcover, 12" x 9.5", 280 pages. Published by Facts on File, New York 1989.
This beautifully illustrated book cover history of Cavalry from XVI Century till apocalypse of WWI. Lots of useful information about weapons, armor, uniforms and order of battle.
"L'Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats du Premier Empire" - The Uniforms and Arms of the Soldiers of First Empire by Liliane and Fred Funcken. Hardcover, 2 Volumes, 10"x 8", 156 pages each. Published by Casterman 1969. Used condition.
French Language.
Great book for Napoleonica. Vol. I covers: French troops of the Line, also British, Prussian and Spanish Troops.
Vol. II covers: Imperial Guard, also Swedish, Austrian and Russian Troops.