Rolf H. Muller incredible collection of European Military Revolvers. Two volumes, hardcover.
Starting in 1950, Muller traveled extensive around the World compiling one of the finest, largest and most comprehensive collections of European military revolvers ever assembled. His exhaustive research and tireless collecting culminated in his authorship of this two volume set. Published by Journal-Verlag Schwend GmbH in 1982 it became the authoritative work on the subject. German language!!!
Rolf H. Muller died in 1992 and his estate put the collection for auction at Butterfield & Butterfield in San Francisco in Dec. 1994.
Included the auction original catalog with estimated prices for that year.
"Mauser Military Rifles of the World" by Robert W. D. Ball
Fourth Edition. Great book for the collector or enthusiast of Mauser military rifle. All countries, all manufacturers. Lots of color photos and data.
Gun Digest Books, Hardcover, 450 pages.
"Mauser Bolt Rifles" by Ludwig Olson. Third Edition.
Excellent book on Mauser rifles both commercial and military. Book covers all manufactures and has lots of photos and interesting information. Lots of data and specifications. Included all chapter on Mauser ammunition, sizes and calibers.
F. Brownell and Son Publishers Inc. Hardcover, 372 pages.
German 7.9 mm Military Ammunition by Daniel W. Kent
Rare reference book, definitive work on 7.9 mm German ammunition. Includes cartridge primers, box labels and numerous illustrations. Covers ammunition manufactured in Germany and appendix for all conquered and axis allied countries. First page includes dedication from D. Kent to Stefan Tomaszewski.
Hardcover, Second Edition Revised 1990
The History and Development of Imperial and Soviet Russian Military Small Arms and Ammunition 1700-1986 Volume Thirteen: Soviet Russian Tokarev "TT" Pistols and Cartridges 1929-1953 by Fred A. Datig
Great book covering development and production of TT pistols with lots of photos and data.
Hardcover, 168 pages
The P.38 Pistol by Warren H. Buxton
3 Hardcover Volumes. Second printing 1999
Volume I - The Walther Pistols 1930 - 1945
Volume II - The Contract Pistols 1940 -1945
Volume III - Distribution 1945 - 1990, Addendum Vols. 1, 2
All the important information on P.38 pistol. A must for a P.38 collector.
French Service Handguns 1858 - 2004 by Eugene Medlin and Jean Huon
Large format 8 1/2 x 11, hard cover with dust jacket, over 200 pages.
This book is a collaboration between French and American authors and a contribution from members of NAPCA. this book cover everything from 11 mm Pinfire to 9 mm Parabellum. All models, photos, drawings and list of production numbers.
Military Handguns of France, 1858 -1958 by Eugene Medlin and Jean Huon
Paperback, published in 1993, 125 pages
Excellent reference book on French handguns - lots of photos, drawings and data. Very thorough book. Photos of holsters for each particular model. Great book for French handgun collector.
Spanish Handguns - The History of Spanish Pistols and Revolvers by Gene Gangarosa Jr. published by Stoeger Publishing Company
Softcover, published in 2001, 320 pages
In dept study of Spanish handguns from early 1900 till mid of the 20th Century. All models, all manufacturers and all calibers. Special chapter on Spanish ammunition and producers.
A must for advanced Spanish handguns collector or enthusiast.
The Mauser Self-Loading Pistol by James N. Belford and Jack Dunlap, published by Pioneer Press in 2000.
Softcover, 208 pages.
This book is a history of Mauser pistols, of all forms, begins with a survey of the original inventors and carries the perfection of the weapon into the production era. All variations of the M96 are covered as well as the numerous experimental models which got little beyond the experimental state. Also covers the Spanish and Chinese copies.
Central Powers' Small Arms of World War One by John Walter. Published by The Crowood Press, UK in 1999.
Hardcover, 208 pages.
This book is an in dept study of all small arms used by Germans, Austro-Hungarians and their allies in WWI. Lots of photos, drawings and technical data. IN my opinion this is one of the best book on the subject.
"Rucni Palne Zbrane " (Hand weapons) by J. Lugs
Hard cover, two volumes - 806 pages total. Praha 1956
Czech language
Everything about hand held guns: handguns, rifles and machine guns. Include lot of illustrations and history of gun makers with photos. Great reaserch book.
"Monographie der K.u.K. Osterr. - ung. Blanken und Handfeuer - Waffen"
(Monography of Austro-Hungarian blank and fire weapons)
by Dolleczek
Hardcover, 250 pages Graz, Austria 1970
German language
The title explains it all. Dolleczek was an officer of Austro-Hungarian Army and the book describes all the weapons used in the XVIII and begining of XIX century. Originaly published in 1896, remained great source of information till today.
Military Rifles of Japan by Fred L. Honeycutt, Jr.
Fifth Edition, Published - Julin books 1996
Hard cover, 210 pages
Most completed book on Japanese Military Rifles. All manufacturers, all contrack and specifications. Each model nicely ilustrated and described. Last chapter covers atachements and grenade launchers. A must for Arisaka collector.
Japanese Hand Guns by Frederick E. Leithe
Hardcover - Borden Publishing Co.1985
This book is a must for Japenise Hand Gun collector. All models, all variations eacha with detailed photo ,specification and description. All manufacturers and contracts Detailed drawings of mechanical workings and ammunition used. Great book.
"Bewaffnung und Ausrustung der Schweizer Armee seit 1817: Handfeurwaffen System Vetterli - Armament and Equipment of the Swiss Army since 1817: Small Arms System Vetterli, by Hugo Schneider, Oskar Krebs. Hardcover,12" x 9.5", 144 pages. Verlag Stocker-Schmid, Dietikon - Zurich, 1970. German Language
Everything what is to know about Swiss Vetterli. Hundreds of photos, drawings and data. Chapter on bayonets and tools. This book is a must for advanced collector or researcher.
Condition: near new.
"Militargewehre und Pistolen der deutschen Staaten 1800-1870 - Military Rifles and Pistols of German States 1800-1870" by Hanz Dieter Gotz. Hardcover, 10.5" x 9.5", 352 pages. Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart 1996. German Language
This book covers all Germans States and small Arms the used with photos, drawings and description of bayonets and ammunition used in this period. Very detailed and professionally made book.
German Pistols and Holsters 1934/1945 Military-Police-NSDAP by Lt. Col. Robert D, Whittington. Published by "The Gun Room Press" NJ 1985. Hardcover, 9.5" x 6.25", 224 pages.
Just as the title said, pistols, holsters, detailed descriptions and lots of data. Every gun and holster has full page black and white photo.